Tasty stories
Tasty stories
Tasty stories is company which produce the big range of drinking yoghurts for baby from 1 to 3 years old. There are three flavors in the product line: apple, blackberry, raspberry. All range have three size: 300ml, 500ml ant 1 liter.
Problem: Many mothers are faced with the fact that a baby eats poorly during feeding. Baby is distracted and caprisious. For mom, this is a headache and very time-consuming.
Solution: Create package that looks like a book. New design will make it possible to interest the child and focus his attention.
Baby food
Tasty Stories
Brand design
Motion design: Marina Sindorovich
3D artist: Pavel Gubin
design, Illustration:
Inna Efimova
Bronze Penta Awards
Tasty stories is company which produce the big range of drinking yoghurts for baby from 1 to 3 years old. There are three flavors in the product line: apple, blackberry, raspberry. All range have three size: 300ml, 500ml ant 1 liter.
Problem: Many mothers are faced with the fact that a baby eats poorly during feeding. Baby is distracted and caprisious. For mom, this is a headache and very time-consuming.
Solution: Create package that looks like a book. New design will make it possible to interest the child and focus his attention.
Industry: Baby food
Client: Tasty Stories
Brand design
Motion design: Marina Sindorovich
3D artist:
Pavel Gubin
Brand design, Illustration: Inna Efimova
Award: Bronze Penta Awards
Publication: Dieline Word brand design society
All the stories are dedicated to the little boy Grishka, who travels to different children’s worlds. Each narrative has a numbering with a brief description of what is happening, this will help mom quickly navigate through the events. A short text allows to think out small details to the story and involve not only the child in the fascinating world of Grishka.
There is always a bit of childish humor and an unexpected ending inside.
For example, in a story called «Commander» Grishka decided to command over soap bubbles. How this story ended, see on the packaging.
Each bottle is wrapped in a sleeve. When opening, only the upper part of the package is removed, the stories remain intact.